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A Beautiful Morning

Good Beautiful morning! 

Today, this morning out on my new porch it is just breathtakingly beautiful, not because of the leaves and flowers, but because of the amazing sun coming up and dropping its light into my backyard, onto my face and hands. It feels so good, so refreshing, and so peaceful.

 I am out here on this porch that I just had built. Um, I’ve had it for about 3 weeks now and it’s already been incredible. Even in the waning autumn, with winter finally, literally here at the door, I get to see the sun rise, right here. 

I built it because I wanted to come out here alone, on my own, without going through the whole house to sit on my porch. I wanted to just sit with the sun each morning in my backyard. I wanted to enjoy nature, morning, and sitting peacefully with a chance to just ponder about life.

I had this dream. In the dream, it was a waking dream by the way, I dreamed of sitting out on this porch that was not yet here.  In my mind as I was dreaming about sitting on the porch, I could see the porch clearly. I could tell it was my porch, it just needed to be created. 

On this porch, in this dream, I kept creating. There were all these ideas that were meant to be. I was meant to build these dreams, one after another. I just needed to get the porch to get the ideas to create and bless my family with them.  

Now here I am out here on the deck, my back porch in real life. I am coming up with and creating even more of those dreams I have been having. Literally, they are coming around into my reality.  What's most beautiful about today is that I am receiving it, I have it.

 Obviously the sun and the angle I am receiving the sun at are also the most beautiful physical parts of this experience. But also the sound that I am hearing is incredible.  The beautiful feel of the wind on my hair and face and the sound of the birds even now chirping in the wilds.  

The trees around me that have all lost their leaves and are going into hibernation are just beautiful. It’s all a reflection of the beautiful cycles that we all go through in life. It’s nature’s truth.  I am so grateful to be out here. Happy day today!